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Image: A-Digit/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images The GPS Innovation Alliance filed an ex parte with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regarding its Ligado decision. This follows a letter...

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Photo: Trimble Antenna development, going all the way back to the first antennas, has been one of continuous innovation,” Richard Langley wrote in our September issue. Even after more than 30...

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CAST Navigation of Tewksbury, Massachusetts introduced its SGX GPS Satellite Simulator. With its compact size — 7 × 11× 3 inches — and weighing in at just over 4 pounds, the SGX is CAST’s...

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Service opens a new era of satellite navigation performance augmentation in the Africa and Indian Ocean Region The Agency for Air Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar (ASECNA) has started to...

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Photo: Orolia Not just supporting players, alternative positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) systems strengthen, augment and — when needed — replace GNSS. GPS World explores how companies are...

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An August 2020 paper published by the journal Sensors revealed China’s plans to expand coverage of its terrestrial Loran positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) system with three new transmitter...

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JAVAD GNSS has commented on some news that its receivers can track a new L5 signal from the Indian SBAS satellite, GSAT-8, launched on May 20.  In a further explanation to GPS World , CEO Javad...

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Looking Closely at Received GPS Carrier Phase By Johnathan York, Jon Little, and David Munton The stability of a received GPS signal determines how well the receiver can track the signal and the...

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By Stéphane Gallot, Pascal Dutot, and Christophe Sajous A new hardware assessment tool automates testing and mission replay, managing military GPS receiver input and output data, with an operational...

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GNSS positioning is highly accurate and reliable — until satellite signals are disrupted. Hexagon | NovAtel has developed SPAN technology that integrates GNSS positioning with inertial...

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